Legal Status of the Bering Strait: Historical and Legal Context –
a new article written by A. N. Vylegzhanin.
Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017
UNFCCC COP23 is coming up.
Alongside the conference the Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017 will take place.
It is about:
Multi-level legal instruments to implement the Paris Agreement and NDCs;
Operationalising the Paris Agreement;
Advancing Climate Resilience and Climate Justice;
Legal Frameworks To Enable Climate Finance and Engage the Private Sector
More information:
Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017
Friday, 10 November 2017
during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
23nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) in Bonn, Germany
Venue : Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Michael Byers, the great doyen of Arctic legal affairs, has published an article entitled “Crises and international cooperation: An Arctic case study” (open access).
An Arctic Podcast: Unburnable: The People vs. Arctic Oil
An unprecedented legal battle for our planet’s future is about to take place. This November, one of the largest people-powered movements in modern history will assemble to fight climate change in a new and powerful way: by bringing it into the courtroom. Standing in the dock will be the Norwegian government, which recently sanctioned new areas for oil exploration in the Arctic. Unburnable will tell the story of this momentous legal challenge, and the global fight to protect our most fundamental human rights.
Arctic Strategies
Recommendation: The German Arctic Office published a helpful overview and an introduction to the Arctic Strategies of the member and observer states of the Arctic Council.
“Arctic Strategies 2017” offers an overview and an introduction to the Arctic Strategies of the member and observer states of the Arctic Council. This introduction was commissioned in partnership with the German Arctic Office. The policy paper is a scientific publication, the opinions expressed in the paper are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the German Arctic Office.
Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017
UNFCCC COP23 is coming up.
Alongside the conference the Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017 will take place.
It is about:
Multi-level legal instruments to implement the Paris Agreement and NDCs;
Operationalising the Paris Agreement;
Advancing Climate Resilience and Climate Justice;
Legal Frameworks To Enable Climate Finance and Engage the Private Sector
More information:…/
Bonn Climate Law & Governance Day 2017
Friday, 10 November 2017
during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
23nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) in Bonn, Germany
Venue : Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Arctic Council at COP23: Climate change in the Arctic and its global impacts
On Monday 6 November 2017, the Arctic Council will host an official side event at the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn, Germany. The event — “The global implications of a rapidly-changing Arctic” — will present the latest science on Arctic climate change and its implications for the rest of the world. Some of the foremost researchers on Arctic climate will present, alongside panelists from the WMO, the Saami Council, and others.
Arctic Shipping II
New publication!
Governance of Arctic Shipping
Balancing Rights and Interests of Arctic States and User States
Edited by Robert C. Beckman, National University of Singapore; Tore Henriksen, UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø; Kristine Dalaker Kraabel, UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø; Erik J. Molenaar, Utrecht University; and J. Ashley Roach, U.S. Navy, U.S. Department of State (retired)
Brill 2017
Arctic Shipping
I have published a new piece on Arctic Shipping.
Apologies – the article is available in German only . “Schifffahrt in der Arktis. Das Völkerrecht als Vermittler zwischen ökonomischem Potenzial und ökologischem Risiko” in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 2017, 206 – 223.
Kommersant: Russia lists Norway’s Svalbard policy as potential risk of war
Details from a Defense Ministry report show that Moscow is not happy with Norway’s attempt to establish absolute national jurisdiction over Svalbard and its shelf.
Source: Kommersant: Russia lists Norway’s Svalbard policy as potential risk of war